Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Links and Apps

First off, I'm sorry that it's been a while since my last post.  I got busy with some things and was unable to get back here.  I'm back now and the looking and refuting the work of Matt Slick will be ongoing, but first I want to turn your attention to the links I have posted. 

The first one is a link to the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.  Specifically that link will send you to an online version of the Bible and there are links there to the Catechism there as well.  I feel that these are two major tools that anyone who espouses Catholicism should be familiar with, which is why I linked to it.  The second link is to the Bible Christian Society.  This site is an apostolate run by John Martignoni.  He uses the Bible to make cases against those who are against the One True Church.  Of all the sites I have read, this one is the best.  I thoroughly suggest everyone sign up for his newsletter, it contains tons of info and arguments for the Catholic Church.  The next link is to  This site pretty much has anything and everything one could need for defending the faith.  It's your one stop shop for all things Catholic.

The next two links are of personal interest.  Strange City Heroes is a webcomic produced and maintained by my close friend Kevin P. Johnson.  The comic is a bit silly and that's what makes it great.  Kevin clearly defines who the good guys and bad guys are, and does it all with and endless desire for tacos.  If you get the chance, take a few minutes to indulge yourself in some comic goodness, you'll be happy you did.  The last link is to the New Orleans Saints.  I am a part of the Who Dat Nation and proudly wear my black and gold colors on my sleeve. 

Finally, I was told that I needed to write about one of the newest apps for the iPhone.  The Confession app has been approved by the Catholic Church and I, for one, hope it takes off.  First off, let's talk about what this app is not.  It's not a way to get out of going to Confession to a priest.  No, you still have to go to a church and tell a priest what you done did and then tell God that you're sorry for it.  What it is, though, is an examination of conscience.  From what I read about it, it contains a list of questions specific to different types of sins and really makes you think about what you have done.  It is also said to contain 7 different Acts of Contrition, which is great because while I have been Catholic my entire life, the Act of Contrition is the one prayer I can never seem to remember.  It also keeps track of when you go to confession as well, so there's no more: "Forgive me Father, my last confession waaaaaaassssss..........well, it's been a while."

Unfortunately, I won't get to use this app because I have a BlackBerry, and not an iPhone, so here's hoping they get one for BB too.  It seems like a great idea, and like I said, hopefully it will catch on.  My prayer is that it will get more people involved in taking advantage of the wonderful sacrament of reconciliation.

Hopefully, I'll be back soon with a rebuttal to some of CARM's claims.

P.S.- Pitchers and catchers report in 5 days. 

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