Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Let's get it on!

Part of what I like to do is read information that is anti-Catholic in nature.  I do this because I like to see what the arguments are against Catholicism, and what the best ways are to defeat those arguments.  In my searches, I have come across a number of websites that have some pretty outrageous claims about Catholicism, anywhere from we're just a little misguided to we're going to hell, and thanks to Fred Phelps that God just hates us, but none have the attempt at scholarship as does CARM, the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry.  CARM, which can be found at, tries to hide its anti-Catholic agenda by saying on its homepage that " CARM analyzes religions such as...Roman Catholicism...etc., and compares them to the Bible."  Normally I would have no problem with that if it were done in a somewhat scholarly manner, but looking a bit closer one can see the agenda of CARM's founder Matt Slick. 

Upon clicking the Roman Catholicism link, one is directed to a list of articles written by Matt against Catholicism.  Topics range from the usual non-Catholic topics such as the Eucharist and Mary to the absurd talking about the Stigmata and sorcery in the Catholic Church.  I will admit I haven't read all his articles, but the ones I have read were so full of errors that reading them all would be a waste of time.  Another point of interest at CARM is their discussion boards.  There are numerous topics to chose from when going to the forums but the one that gets the most "love" is the Roman Catholicism.  As of this writing, there are 2131 threads in the Roman Catholicism forum compared to the 1,876 threads in all the other listed religions under the "Churches-Orthodox/Heterodox" heading.  I have had the pleasure of discussing my faith with some of the posters on the Roman Catholicism board, and even with Matt Slick himself.  I have found that while some non-Catholics there are well versed in their faith and openly love the Lord, most are very content to spread lies and half-truths about Catholicism.  It's laughable to see how venomous some of the regular posters can be. 

I decided to make this my first real post because I feel that this website does a severe disservice to anyone out there who is genuinely seeking the Lord by presenting information that is ignorant at best and blatantly wrong deceitful at its worst.  I'll be reading Matt Slick's articles and refuting their claims here. 

Thanks and God Bless

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